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  • 26/02/24

    Visit from Sensei Nolan to Assembly

    Karate at Prenton Prep
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  • 26/02/24

    ISA North Junior Cross Country

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  • 26/02/24

    Year 6 School Trip

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  • 26/02/24

    Happy Birthday Cookie

    On Wednesday 7th February it was our school dog Cookies birthday. Happy Birthday Cookie. 
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  • 26/02/24

    Kindergarten's Trip

    On Wednesday 7th February Kindergarten visisted the Explore Science Centre in Wrexham. They had a fantastic time completing losts of STEM activities. 
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  • 26/02/24

    Jo Jingles visited our Stay & Play Group

    Stay & Play Group 
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  • 26/02/24

    ISA North - 5-a-side Football competition

    I am pleased to share that our school football team participated in the ISA North 5-a-side Football competition held in Trafford on Friday. Although they did not advance to the finals, they showcased tremendous skills and determination by emerging victorious in three out of the five games played
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  • 26/02/24

    Year 1 - Trip to Port Sunlight

    Year 1 visited Port Sunlight Village and Lady Lever Art Gallery yesterday. This trip was to support their history topic on Houses and Homes. They also focused on Lord Leverhulme and all the incredible things he did for his workers.
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  • 26/02/24

    Year 3 - Class Assembly

    The Year 3 class presented their class assembly for the juniors, focusing on the crucial topic of Equal Opportunities for all. We commend them for effectively conveying such a significant narrative to their audience and applaud their exceptional vocal and signing abilities.
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  • 26/02/24

    Year 4 Assembly

    Year 4 held a thought-provoking assembly for our juniors, focusing on the timeless tale of David& Goliath. This narrative prompted reflection upon the metaphorical giants that each of us encounters in our lives, namely obstacles, problems, and being frightened. They concluded by singing "Yo...
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  • 26/02/24

    Snow Day at Prenton Prep

    We all woke up to a blanket of snow this morning. Everyone was so excited, as we don't get snow very often. The staff, pupils and Cookie our school dog, have had a fantastic time playing in the snow and making snowmen.  
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  • 26/02/24

    Dogs Trust Visit to Prenton Prep

    Today the children met Angela from the Dogs Trust. She told us all about the charity and explained how we can make sure that we are safe with Dogs and showed us how to treat dogs with respect to ensure that Dogs are happy. We learned five rules to remember (we will practise these in school with Coo...
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